Keep it simple, keep it real: how we train
live in the zoom room
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we built a Zoom school. We like training videos, too, but to really train you have to be seen by a master.
Try our online Dojo Without Walls, and see the difference between following a video and training with a master.
While we’re able, we’ll train in the park on Mondays and Wednesdays, 6-8.
When fall rolls in and the days shorten, we’ll go back to Zoom. Hours will be published here.
GM Logan teaches and critiques, while senseis model how students can pick it up off the screen.
Can you really learn self-defense without a partner you can touch? To a point, yes! And when we can get on the mat again, you’ll be able to flow.
live on the mat
Our New Haven dojo and annual seminar are the best way to learn; there’s nothing like being there.
COVID rules mean temperature checks, masks, distancing, open windows, Purell, vaccinated instructors, and disinfecting the room between each class. No one is 100% guaranteed to be virus-proof. Our protocols are the best, but jiu-jitsu can get close.
While the weather and sun time is right, we’ll train in Edgewood Park. If you’re interested, ask.
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For updates on live-touch classes, check in with this website.
study the moves
Sometimes Zoom class isn’t enough. You want to earn a promotion test, or maybe you want to sharpen up techniques through repetition. Whether using DVDs, downloaded videos, or written transcripts, you want study materials. We run VSK by the numbers.
Or maybe you want to join, but you see the routines our students move through and think I could never catch up; I won’t know what to do. But you can catch up!
Our video library is growing all the time.
We ship DVDs, and are digitizing the DVD material for download. Videos are either 720 or HD1080.
If you combine the video training and the Zoom classes, you will build knowledge that improves and ehnances your life…and might save it, too.