MastersClass: Soke Haisan Kaleak 2
Haisan Kaleak performs a self-defense technique from his Kuroshi-Kai system. #2 of 3.
Haisan Kaleak performs a self-defense technique from his Kuroshi-Kai system. #2 of 3.
Haisan Kaleak performs a self-defense technique from his Kuroshi-Kai system. #2 of 3.
1080 HD downloadable video. Features freeze-frame and explanations so you can understand it, and various speeds so you can practice it.
3 minutes.
Soke Haisan Kaleak is the founder of Kuroshi-Kai, a grandmaster of Sanuces Ryu under Moses Powell, and president of Family of Sanuces.
You can converse with him on DocRadio’s show “Making the Connection with Soke Haisan Kaleak.”